Meet the Startup: TRANSFORMA - TEX / Adriana Hernández Dangond

in 2023, Five One Labs ran its first cohort of Startup Incubator in Barranquilla, Colombia. Here, we would like to introduce you to some of the innovative startups that went through our program!

  • Can you provide a brief introduction about yourself?

Adriana Hernández Dangond is a daughter, sister, wife, and soon-to-be mother. She is an Industrial Engineer and holds a specialization in Engineering Project Management. In recent years, she has channeled her interests into three areas: 1. Industry, due to her professional background; 2. Fashion, as she has been connected to this sector since childhood with her mother and grandmother being seamstresses for many years; and 3. Innovation/Environment, where she has developed initiatives and projects with strong environmental and innovative components.

  • What is your business idea?

TRANSFORMA-TEX - TEX aims to lead the transformation towards a sustainable and environmentally responsible textile industry in the Caribbean Region. They achieve this by recovering, reusing, and treating PET plastic in eco-friendly industrial processes. The goal is to obtain ecological fabrics that offer attractive features in terms of quality, price, comfort, and style, suitable for the production of clothing and home textiles.

  • What problems are you solving?

Undoubtedly, TRANSFORMA-TEX - TEX addresses a social and environmental problem that has been affecting the world for years, which is pollution. On one hand, they seek to give new use to a material that is highly consumed by the population and takes between a hundred and a thousand years to biodegrade, namely plastic. On the other hand, they incorporate innovative techniques in the production process to reduce the use of energy, water, and emissions of pollutants into the environment.

  • Why did you join the Five One Labs incubator?

Initially, I was looking for a space that combines financial support, training, and connections, and Five One Labs provides comprehensive support to entrepreneurs. Not only do they offer these three aspects, but they also focus on the individual, strengthening them to overcome the challenges of entrepreneurship.

  • What progress have you made since you started the incubator two months ago?

There has been significant progress, both from my perspective as an entrepreneur and from the business perspective:

As an entrepreneur: I have gained a deeper understanding and knowledge of theories that aren't typically taught at university. I have developed strengths in business language and communication skills, creativity, market awareness, resilience, and the ability to face challenges head-on.

From the business perspective: I have defined market segments, gained clarity on the problem and the innovative solution, conducted various validations that have led to a more solid business model, acquired knowledge about the sector and production process, and recognized the importance of the user experience, among other things.

  • What advice do you have for someone who wants to start a business or project?

"If you try, you will succeed; if you don't try, you'll regret it forever." This applies to everything; restraining ourselves from pursuing a dream only leads to frustrations. Entrepreneurship requires waking up every day with the drive to achieve daily goals. It doesn't necessarily mean accomplishing them by the end, but having a positive mindset attracts good energy and convinces us that we are capable. At the end of the day, you'll either congratulate yourself for your achievements or use the failed experiences as opportunities for improvement.

We need more risk-takers who create solutions based on everyday needs and challenges, thereby strengthening the Colombian entrepreneurial fabric.


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