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The Power of Purpose: Why having a purpose can help you position yourself with customers and employees.

Purposeful Leadership is a business management approach and in collaboration with Pulse Brands, we have prepared a webinar with Andrew Leith, Creative Director, and Iago John, Consultant, at Pulse Brands and they will take us through the main idea behind the concept of Purposeful Leadership and how entrepreneurs can implement them.

In this webinar we will discuss:

1- Why having a purpose can help you position yourself with customers and employees

Focusing on why purpose is important and why articulating it becomes more important as you grow (supported by examples and including how purpose differs from vision and mission).

take away tool: questions to ask you and your colleagues on establishing a purpose.

2- Articulating your purpose: developing a clear and consistent personality to better position you with customers and employees.

Focusing on examples of how personalities can matter [Iraqi examples provided by Patricia]

take away tool: ‘spectrum’ questions to ask you and your colleagues on what kind of company are you

take away tool: cornerstone model for developing a brand and its assets, focused on your way of doing business

This session will be held on Thursday, June 10th, 2021 at 4:00 PM

(Participating Zoom link will be sent via email on the event day!)

May 26

فرۆشتن و بنەماکانی - دیلمان خەلیل

July 7

Thriving Female Founders: Female Founders Fellowship Panel Discussion