KaibaCode is an educational company that offers kids many different courses from coding, robotics, and animations to problem-solving, stories interactive games, and others. We provide both online and lab classes for kids from the age of (8 - 17) to give them the best coding and robotics experience. We offer 6 different plans (weekly, monthly, annually, summer camp, winter camp, and sibling programs) with providing the latest robotic equipment.

We provide many different courses for teaching kids the fundamentals of programming languages. Kids will learn how to create their own school projects, games, animations, mobile apps, websites, etc. We also offer courses for teaching kids how to program robots as well using different programming languages like Python...

We are helping kids to invest in their free time to create educational games and animations from the stories that they make in their minds, this enhances their creativity and problem-solving skills.

About Founder

Zhela Rashid, the founder of KaibaCode, has a master’s degree in Software Engineering. She has been a coding instructor in the USA for 3 years. She started in 2017 by creating a Facebook page to offer children in Kurdistan coding courses and published step-by-step videos to teach them how to create the animations. Through that, she wanted to help the kids in Kurdistan learn coding the way it is taught in the US. She participate in Five One Labs Ignite and got selected for the tech incubator 2020.

Visit KaibaCode’s website and Facebook to learn more!

Kaiba Code